Celebrate Spring with these delicious and colorful ideas! Learn how to dress up your cupcakes and give them extra eye appeal with this cupcake decorating video.
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How to Set the Table ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨) ¸.•´¸.•*¨) ¸.•*¨) (¸.•´ (¸WANNA MAKE MY DAY? SUBSCRIBE! (¸.•´ (¸ (¸.•´ (¸ (¸.•´ (¸ www.robesondesign.com Interior Design Setting the table for guests is made easy as.San Diego Interior Designer, Rebecca Robeson of Robeson Design shares helpful tips for entertaining guests. Part 3 of a 3 part series on entertaining guests the right way! This video gives ideas for china, wine glasses, silverware and centerpieces that are sure to wow your dinner guests during the holidays or any special occasion. #1 Christmas Interior Decorating Part 1….. Ideas, Tips and INSPIRATION! www.youtube.com #2. Interior Designer’s Christmas Tree decorating tips www.youtube.com #3. How to decorate the staircase for Christmas www.youtube.com #4. Christmas Decorating Part 4 Fireplace Mantle and Table Settings www.youtube.com #5. Christmas Decorating Part 5 adding the sparkle! www.youtube.com #6. Christmas … The True Joy … by Interior Design Guru www.youtube.com #7. How To Wrap a Gift or Christmas Present www.youtube.com #8. How To Make a BOW for Christmas Gift www.youtube.com #9. How to set the table …which side does the Fork go on? www.youtube.com #10. How to Set a beautiful Table for Fabulous Entertaining! www.youtube.com #11. How to set a Beautiful Table for Fabulous Entertaining… bonus tips www.youtube.com #12. How to give a GIFT www.youtube.com #13. CHRISTMAS Decorations “how to” Store and Organize www.youtube.com #14. Christmas decorations HAUL …
Hey , is that buttercream ?
Hey! Thanks for this useful video. By the way, I notice a lot of people keep on talking about cake decorating club called Zumocake Decorating (search on google), but I’m not sure if it’s good. Have you tried Zumocake Decorating? I have heard some incredible things about it and my cooworker finally learn how to decorate cakes easily, but she refuses to tell me 🙁
كب كيك (box cake )
للكريمة :
2كوب سكر بودرة
1 عصا زبدة
1 جبن القشطة
او تقدرين تستبدلينه بــ 12حبة جبن كيري
حلو بس ايش هي المقادير
What a wonderful idea for my brithday!
All you have to do is take a cup of flour, add it to the mix
Now just take a little something sweet, not sour, a bit of salt, just a pinch.
Hi am a lil girl with my big sister, please vist us for cupcake and animal videos
thx this video was amazing like it
lol froratje
@chikita1998 me to haha 🙂
Nice and sweet .
So nise
Somehow through watching this video Ive occured A sweet-tooth…
Lol she sounds somewhat like Sarah Palin
so simple yet such beautiful designs!
she has no life. i have no life. we don’t have lives for watching these videos -____-
A delicious kind of art!
hahah best comment ever! haha
@TheCaliforniaallstar I love what u did there
This video is sad compared to the book
love this
@chikita1998 me too 😉
I defiantly need to go eat at your house Rebbeca!!!
Thanks for the inspiration! I’ll definitely try that tonight!
I wish u could come to India sometime,great videos:)
I love your channel, especially your videos on “entertaining” (flower arranging with tulips, how to set a holiday table setting)….I would love to see a string of videos on how to entertain throughout the year! (summer backyard entertaining, thanksgiving, how to decorate for Halloween, etc) I have the same design taste as you (your home, etc) and your ideas really inspire me to live my own style!
In my foods class i learned how to set a table! love your videos! I want to be a interior designer when i grow up. 🙂
ur really gudd at decoratingg 😮 😀
all i have is white- clear glass/crystal- and white with black whimsical designs-stripes polka dots and swirls- i use bed sheets for table clothes (not the ones you can tell what they are) i like thin clothes- easier to layer with out looking bulky. I LOVE GOODWILL for the coolest white and clear stuff- there’s a warmth to the vintage or OLD!!!! HAHA- LOVE YOUR VIDS X SHELLY
Hi Rebecca, I really enjoy each and every one of your videos. Your a very classy lady, and I love your elegant style. You have done some AMAZING work in my opinion, and I very much appreciate that you take the time to share some of this with interested viewers. I enjoy making my home look beautiful as I feel it represents me and my personal style, and I am always looking for ideas to help do that. THANK YOU for sharing your incredible talent!!!!
I agree with justdreadest please please do a outside decor on Christmas Please 😉
Hi rebecca my darling I just love it :D…..can u please do a piece on decorating outdoors for the christmas, I know it is early but i start early, please, please, please pretty please with cheese cake on top <3
Wow, very beautiful!
O wow, these settings are beautiful - the colors you have chosen are breathtaking.
You always teach me something new 🙂
love you loads!
I just love all your videos!!!
Sooooo happy I found your channel!!!
How absolutely stunning. You have beautiful ideas, I love them all.
How great! Love the candle idea! Why didn’t I think of that?
I wish I was that creative…
I love the candles-on-the -plate idea, but… what do you do with them once you start bringing the food? Do you put them right in front of each guest or do you put them out and move them on the counter or something?
Thank you LuigiRules,
I’m a bit OCD too so I happen to agree with you on the design assistance 🙂
I hope when you do get old enough to have dinner parties, you make it an important part of how you entertain. Leaves a lasting impression on people . . . believe me!
Lovely table settings! : )
Beautiful, thank you to join us watch the film excellent
Thamer Dawood
That’s Awesome Mandy.
I’m so glad you have found my how to videos inspiring. Thats exactly why I have made them. I grew up with a mother who encouraged creativity. She entertained regularly and she collected beautiful china and colored wine goblets. My childhood was filled with ample opportunities to develop my creative skills in this area. I realize not everyone had this kind of upbringing so I have chosen to share mine through YouTube.
Thanks for the nice comments and good luck on your party!
thanks for the friend invite, Rebecca!
honestly, I love your “how to” videos. I am thinking of having a small fancy dinner party for my upcoming birthday in April, and this video (plus your other ones) have helped me a lot with ideas.
I have always been fascinated with setting tables and decorating with smaller budgets. Your tips have inspired me to be more creative 🙂
thank you so much!
God Bless,