Question by smoothopr_2: What are some stores that have good inexpensive wall art?
what can i hang on the wall to fill up space
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Answer by ruby d
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Question by smoothopr_2: What are some stores that have good inexpensive wall art?
what can i hang on the wall to fill up space
Best answer:
Answer by ruby d
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goodwill or dollar store
Go to a Marshalls/ T.J. Maxx
You can find great stuff for insanely cheap…
or anyother home item you need
or Ikea usually has nice, simple modern looking wall art that will fill up space but won’t look like you tried too hard
World Market, Pier 1 are two I love.
Sometimes you can find a guy selling Elvis paintings on blue velvet canvases at a local gas station. They also sell flags sometimes.
Ignore that moron, don’t shop at Walmart, unless you want your house to look like a hotel room
Try Wal-Mart, Meijer, Sam’s Club, Sears, JCP, Michael’s.. basically any place that has pictures, or you could go on eBay. You can usually get stuff on there for real cheap.
Target, tj maxx, garden ridge
Your question gives little information so my advice is terribly generic. Stores: Wal-Mart, Garden Ridge Pottery, Flea Markets, Starving Artist Auctions. What to hang: Depends largely on “what” you want to portray on the wall. Do you want an outdoor theme? Do you want figurines? Do you want modern abstract art forms? Find out what you really want and then go shopping to find pictures that portray that “feeling”.
Why buy inexpensive wall art??? On ebay you can look for real oil paintings that are framed or painted to not need frames.
I have purchased several unique REAL paintings (Oil and water color; not reproductions) all for under $ 20 each. EVen shipping isnt that bad if you carefully buy onl from private sellers who arent padding the costs.
You can also buy unframed ORIGINAL water color paintings by the artisit and then buy frames at thrift stores to fit. (You can buy frames at Michaels, too, but they are $ $ $ ) Why have IKEA mass produced “art” or Walmart “trailer park” art when you can shop and find unique one of a kind pieces that really say something about who YOU are?
I like Hobby Lobby and the Pottery Barn for decorative items for my home.
If you really want to go the inexpensive route, there are a few things you can do including taking pics and having them enlarged to fit your space needs.
If there’s an art school anywhere in your local vicinity, student artists love to make money for supplies and would probably do something for you at a reasonable cost.
Here’s an oldie but goody, some calendars feature nice art. Choose a common size, like 8×10. Here’s a secret if you choose to do this. Calendars go on sale after the new year.
Go to the local dollar store and buy frames for your favorites or find frames at a craft store and do something with paint, feathers and beads to the frames . Viola-art!
You can also grab a paint brush and a couple fave colors that match your decor and do your own abstracts. That might be fun.
Whatever you do, make sure you like it because the art you choose is the art you live with day after day after day.
I always liked Bed, Bath & Beyond and Kohl’s
Believe it or not, dollar stores, such as the Dollar Tree (check to see if there’s one in your area)
I have an autumn print from the dollar tree hanging on my bedroom wall. It’s nice, it’s cheap, and it definitely fills up the wall!
Target has a fairly good selection!